Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Great Britain

serving UK Bernese and their owners since 1971

Welcome to our club website and thank you for visiting

Above image shows the opening Parade at our Autumn Garden Party 2023

Our brilliant Bernershop is on line with lots of great Bernese and club themed items which can also be seen and purchased at our events

Scroll down the page for links to the latest news and updates and click on the headings to go to the  relevant section

Overview of our club outlining the various sections and activities, many of which have their own sections within this web site. Membership of our friendly, approachable club is open to anyone interested in Bernese Mountain Dogs, you don’t even need to own a Bernese! Membership is NOT all about showing, you  receive discounts on a variety of club activities, messages about events and activities as well as hard copies of our magazines and handbook through the post.

The twice yearly Garden Party based week-ends are open to all, even before you have a Bernese, and a great place to start your club experience. Apply Here

Our annual events are now  condensed into two long Bank Holiday week-ends and located centrally in Northamptonshire. These 2 events include 3 shows, 2 ‘garden parties’ which include working events carting, obedience, agility and many fun events. Each has evening events to keep the enjoyment flowing especially for those who choose to camp on site  for an extended week-end. All club members, and any interested parties, with or without dogs, are welcome to club events, to experience our wonderful breed and learn about them. There are chances to buy Bernese themed memorabilia, join in events or simply watch Bernese having a day out with their families.

Bernese, like all breeds,  have their health problems but the chance of them occurring can either be removed or reduced with good breeding practices. You can also read about the breed’s health history, ongoing concerns, available tests and looking forward at the future well being of Bernese in Britain.

Essential advice and information for those considering a Bernese Mountain Dog. Is a Bernese right for you?  What do you need to think about? How can you find out more? Where can you meet some Bernese? Ideally get to one of our events and at the Garden Parties, as well as meet Bernese and their families who will be happy to share their experiences and advice, you can attend a talk about the breed for enquirers.

Bernese do not automatically reach their potential just because they have the right genes. Good experiences, training and behaviour guidance are needed so make sure you know pyour role BEFORE you arrive home with your puppy who needs direction from you.  

Our club’s Rescue and Rehoming branch helps to re-home dogs and help Bernese in need. If you have any problems  with your Bernese and Rescue might be able to help, please get in touch in complete confidence. Sometimes training advice can be all that is needed and Rescue is there to help the dog, not to judge you, people’s circumstances can change.

As well as people willing to take a Bernese in need into their lives, or foster one needing a temporary helping hand, there are numerous other ways people can help with the practicalities of Rescue and help is often needed.  Usually this help starts with a friendly chat so please get in touch.

Carting is our breed’s signature activity and, whilst not absolutely unique to Bernese, both the Swiss and the fun themes of carting are well established stalwarts of many club events and away from the clubs, Bernese carting adds tradition, colour and spectacle to any event. Just about any Bernese could be a carting dog, including YOURS  and the vast majority really enjoy pulling their carts and are better dogs for it. You and they will receive lots of welcome attention as you add a really enjoyable aspect to your Bernese ownership.


click on the title of each box for more information

  • BMDC of Ireland invite all BMD exhibitors to their double show week-end in May celebrating their 45th year. With an Anniversary meal & overseas Judges it promises to be a big BMD week-end....

  • In accordance with the schedule and process defined in the Club's Constitution, the Preliminary notice for the 2025 AGM is now available for anyone considering making a proposal, a nomination or atten...

  • This latest updated volume covering Champions from 2016 - 2024, is ready to go to print but numbers will be limited so ORDER YOUR COPY NOW, if you haven't already, to avoid disappointment....

  • The Club is saddened to learn of the passing of Jean Jones on Thursday 2nd January 2025. She passed away peacefully at home in the presence of her loving family following a long difficult illness. Fee...

  • Latest, and last, updated version of club JDP judges lists posted, up to January 25. JEP system being finalised and phased in by RKC....

  • The 2025 handbook will be published at Crufts in March as usual. Already a great record of the previous BMD year, the new Editor only adds to the anticipation.... ...

  • The club is extremely sad to hear of the passing of Don Griffiths at the age of 91 years on Sunday 1st December. Our deepest condolences go to his family and friends....

  • Our club has received details and an invitation to the Finnish Swiss Breeds Club 60th Anniversary and 2025 World Dog Show which are both in Helsinki in August 2025...

  • Reports and photos from all three days of our bumper Bernese long week-end, broken down into individual events....

  • The club is now able to provide dates for all its main events in 2025. Follow this link for details....

  • Reports for the Garden Party, Spring Open Show and Saturday evening Pre GP, party. ...

  • The Club's 2024 Annual General Meeting was held successfully on Sunday 21st April to hear reports from officers and committee....