21 Mar Club Judges Lists
The club has just re-published its updated Judges Lists for 2023. The A and B lists can be found on the Judges List page which is within the club information section. There is also a link to the CC judges BMD records page which is within the CC records section of the web site.
Club Chair Heather Head compiles the list so if you have any queries please contact her.
If you are on the list but now wish to be removed please contact Heather and likewise if you think you should be on the list.
These are the lists compiled under the longstanding Judges Development Programme, JDP, which is due to be phased out (in the near future), by the Kennel Club and replaced by the Judges Education Programme, JEP, based system. The old ‘C list’ has become invalid already as new judges have to fulfil the requirements of a Level 1 judge in the new system to accept an appointment.
For any queries about the new system, partially introduced so far, please see the Kennel Club web site or contact the Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Education CoOrdinator, Emily English.