10 Oct December Open Show 2017
The REPORT on our annual ‘introduction to the Christmas season‘ Open Show at
The Old Mill Hall, School Lane, Grove, Wantage, Oxon OX12 7LB on Saturday December 2nd 2017
The show was sponsored by Happy Dog who kindly provided prizes for all class and main winners.
The main show judge was Mrs Chris John (Christakell) and during lunch time the Special Members Awards judge was Mrs Sam Avery.
The show seemed to go well without any problems, well once we sorted out the matting that refused to stick down, and there was nice pleasant relaxed ambience all day. The club shop and the raffle (for Rescue) both had good days.
Thank you to everyone who entered, or just attended, and supported their club show.
Main Results Summary
Best In Show
Jackie Green’s Alpenspirit Pure Pleasure for Arvella (Imp Can) Handled by Rebecca King
Reserve Best In Show & Best Opposite Sex
June Miles’ Save Dallas Kiss for Jaybiem
Best Puppy in Show
Wendy Westlake’s Jesterbrock Lovestruck
Best Veteran
Roy Toms’ Emberfay Moonglow
More photos from the show can be seen by clicking here
Judges Reports will be posted here when available.
judged by Mrs Chris John
Minor Puppy Dog (1 entry, 0 absent)
- Steve, Jeanette & Emily Green’s Matthias vom Durrbachler Wald at Waldershelf (Imp Nld)
Puppy Dog (1,0)
- Steve, Jeanette & Emily Green’s Matthias vom Durrbachler Wald at Waldershelf (Imp Nld)
Junior Dog (7, 1)
- Shandy Bridges’ Kernow Troubador
- Jackie Green & Rebecca King’s Joseph vom Durrbachler Wald at Arvella (Imp Nld)
- Ann New’s Meadowpark Just Dreamy
- Virginia Deradour’s Meadowpark All Eyes on Me
- Mrs Marshall’s Matthew Puchate Perly of Bernannan (Imp Pol)
Yearling Dog (6,1)
- Shandy Bridges’ Kernow Troubador
- Jackie Green & Rebecca King’s Joseph vom Durrbachler Wald at Arvella (Imp Nld)
- June Miles’ Jaybiem Stan Innovation
- Ann New’s Meadowpark Just Dreamy
- Virginia Deradour’s Meadowpark All Eyes on Me
Novice Dog (1,0)
- Virginia Deradour’s Meadowpark All Eyes on Me
Graduate Dog (2,0)
- Shandy Bridges’ Kernow Troubador
- Jackie Green & Rebecca King’s Joseph vom Durrbachler Wald at Arvella (Imp Nld)
Post Graduate Dog (0,0)
Limit Dog (3,0)
- Sandra Rothery’s Glamrock Graffiti Artist ShCM
- Olga Vaychkus & Arunas Vaickus’s Flintas Kalnu Suo at Bernaroso ShCM (Imp Lt)
- Wendy Westlake’s Apriori Uill Smith for Jesterbrock (Imp Rus)
Open Dog (4,1)
- Jackie Green’s Alpenspirit Pure Pleasure for Arvella (Imp Can) Handled by Rebecca King
- Penny Gopal’s Ch Collansues Secret Bridges
- Tony & Pam Granger’s Orlando Bloom at Jaybiem
Veteran Dog (1,0)
- Caragh Barnes’ Bernemcourt Il Colosso
Veteran Bitch (3,2)
- Roy Toms’ Emberfay Moonglow
Minor Puppy Bitch (2,1)
- Steve, Jeanette & Emily Green’s Madell vom Durrbachler Wald at Waldershelf (Imp Nld)
Puppy Bitch (2,0)
- Wendy Westlake’s Jesterbrock Lovestruck
- Steve, Jeanette & Emily Green’s Madell vom Durrbachler Wald at Waldershelf (Imp Nld)
Junior Bitch (2,1)
- Shandy Bridges’ Kernow Speakeasy
Yearling Bitch (6,2)
- Steve, Jeanette & Emily Green’s Bernerdalens Quest For Fame at Waldershelf (Imp Swe)
- Shirley King & Julie Bramble’s Shirdees Miss Congeniality JW
- Sue Flanagan’s Collansues Something Rosie
- John and Hillary Flippance’s Tickbern Upto Jenna at Nenebern
Novice Bitch (6,0)
- Wendy Westlake’s Jesterbrock Lovestruck
- Sue Flanagan’s Collansues Secret Wispa
- John and Hillary Flippance’s Tickbern Upto Jenna at Nenebern
- Bev Knight’s Kernow Something Fancy
- Mrs Baker’s Hypeak’s Coast of Jima
Graduate Bitch (3,1)
- Kim Flaxman’s Glanzberg See The Sun
- Virginia Deradour’s Fortonpark Lilly May
Post Graduate Bitch (4,1)
- Sue Flanagan’s Collansues Mountain Angel
- Virginia Deradour’s Fortonpark Lilly May
- Mrs Baker’s Hypeak’s Coast of Jima
Limit Bitch (4,2)
- Sue Flanagan’s Collansues Heart Of Gold
- Olga Vaychkus & Arunas Vaickus’ Blue Aira Bernenskie Ranczo JW ShCM (Imp Pol)
Open Bitch (5,4)
- June Miles’ Save Dallas Kiss for Jaybiem
Brace (2,1)
- Olga Vaychkus & Arunas Vaickus’
MAIN SHOW – Judge’s Report From Judge Chris John
I would like to thank the Committee of the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Great Britain for their invitation to judge their Club Open Show, and also for their hospitality on the day. It was both an honour and a pleasure to judge this lovely breed and I must thank the many exhibitors who gave me what was an excellent entry, both in numbers and quality.
Minor Puppy Dog (1 entry, 0 absent)
1st. Green’s Matthias Vom Durrbachler Wald At Waldershelf (Imp NLD). 8 month old with excellent head and expression and dark, almond-shaped eye, well-set ears. Correct length of neck, good depth to chest, good bone, topline straight. Strong hindquarters. Good reach to stride. BPD.
Puppy Dog (1 entry, 0 absent)
1st. Green’s Matthias Vom Durrbachler Wald At Waldershelf (Imp NLD). As MPD.
Junior Dog (7 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Bridges’ Kernow Troubadour. 15 months old. Excellent head with good expression, almond-shaped dark eye, medium sized correctly set ears. Medium length to neck on strong shoulders, broad chest. Straight topline held well. Broad well-muscled hindquarters, good turn to stifle. Excellent bone and excellent reach to stride. RBD. 2nd. King & Green’s Joseph Vom Durrbachler Wald At Arvella (Imp NLD). Another 15 month old with an excellent head and pleasing expression. Dark eye and correct set to ears. Bone and topline OK. Hindquarters broad and strong. Moved well. 3rd. New’s Meadowpark Just Dreamy. Also 15 months. Good head. Adequate bone with reasonable topline. Moved OK.
Yearling Dog (6 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Bridges’ Kernow Troubadour. As JD. 2nd. King & Green’s Joseph Vom Durrbachler Wald At Arvella (Imp NLD). As JD. 3rd. Miles & Ishaque’s Jaybiem Stan Innovation JW. 14 months old. Head correct. Good bone and topline. Strong hindquarters. Moved OK, but was a little unsettled making it hard to assess him properly and he may well have faired better in different circumstances.
Novice Dog (1 entry, 0 absent)
1st. Deradour’s Meadowpark’s All Eyes On Me. 14 months old. Nice head and expression. Good topline and bone. Moved well.
Graduate Dog (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st. Bridges’ Kernow Troubadour. As JD & YD. 2nd. King & Green’s Joseph Vom Durrbachler Wald At Arvella (Imp NLD). As JD & YD.
Limit Dog (3 entries, 0 absent)
1st. Rothery’s Glamrock Graffiti Artist ShCM. 3 year old with excellent head and pleasing expression, dark almond-shaped eye and medium sized correctly set ear. Good length of neck on well set shoulders with good broad chest. Firm topline, hindquarters broad and well-muscled, plenty of bone. Moved with good reach. 2nd. Vaychkus & Vaickus’ Flintas Kalnu Suo At Bernaroso ShCM (Imp LT). 4 years old. Good head and expression with dark eye and well set ears. Good topline and bone. Moved well. 3rd. Westlake’s Apriori Uill Smith For Jesterbrock (Imp RUS). 2 year old with nice head, almond-shaped eye and good set to ears. Good bone, correct topline. Moved well.
Open Dog (4 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Green’s Alpenspirit Pure Pleasure For Arvella (Imp CAN). Handsome 4 year old with excellent head, dark almond-shaped eye and medium sized ears correctly set. Strong neck on well placed shoulders. Broad chest, firm straight topline held well, broad well-muscled hindquarters. Good bone. In good coat. Moved with puropose. BD & BiS. 2nd. Gopal’s Ch. Collansues Secret Bridges. Another 4 year old with a pleasing head and expression, dark eye and correct set to ears. Good shoulder placement, straight topline, well-muscled hindquarters, good bone. Moved well. 3rd. Grainger’s Orlando Bloom At Jaybiem. 3 years old. Good head with dark eye and correctly placed ear set. Correct topline. Moved well.
Veteran Dog (1 entry, 0 absent)
1st. Barnes’ Bernemcourt Il Colosso. 9 year old with correct head and pleasing expression. Excellent bone, broad chest and straight topline, held well. Hindquarters correct with good turn to stifle. Lovely mover.
Veteran Bitch (3 entries, 2 absent)
1st. Toms’ Emberfay Moonglow. 8 year old with lovely head and expression, dark almond-shaped eye and medium sized correctly set ears. Good length of neck on well placed shoulders. Firm straight topline, held well. Broad well-muscled hindquarters, strong hocks. Good bone and in good coat. Lovely gait. BviS.
Minor Puppy Bitch (2 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Green’s Madell Vom Durrbachler Wald At Waldershelf (Imp NLD). Very pretty 8 month old with excellent head, dark eye and well set ears. Correct topline, firm hindquarters. Good bone. Moved well.
Puppy Bitch (2 entries, 0 absent)
1st. Westlake’s Jesterbrock Lovestruck. 9 month old with lovely correct head with dark almond-shaped eye, medium sized ears set correctly. Good length of neck on strong shoulders. Straight topline, held well. Good bend to stifle and strong hocks. Moved with good reach. In good coat. BPB & BPiS. 2nd. Green’s Madell Vom Durrbachler Wald At Waldershelf (Imp NLD). As MPB.
Junior Bitch (2 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Bridges’ Kernow Speakeasy. 15 month old with lovely correct head and expression, dark eye, good ear set and size. Firm straight topline, plenty of bone. Moved well.
Yearling Bitch (6 entries, 2 absent)
1st. Green’s Bernerdalens Quest For Fame At Waldershelf (Imp SWE). Lovely 21 month old with excellent head and pleasing expression with dark eye and medium sized well set ear. Good bone, straight topline, held well. Broad, strong hindquarters. Moved with good reach. 2nd. King & Bramble’s Shirdees Miss Congeniality JW. 18 month old with correct head with dark almond-shaped eye and good ear set. Topline OK. Plenty of bone. Moved well. 3rd. Flanagan’s Collansues Something Rosie. 17 month old with pleasing head and expression, dark eye and good ear set. Straight topline, bone OK. Moved well.
Novice Bitch (6 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Westlake’s Jesterbrock Lovestruck. As PB. 2nd. Flanagan’s Collansues Secret Wispa. 2 year old with nice head and expression and dark eye. Good bone, straight topline. Moved well. 3rd. Flippance’s Tickbern Upto Jenna At Nenebern. 20 month old with lovely head and expression, dark eye and correct ear set. Good bone. Topline correct. Moved out well but left her jacket at home today.
Graduate Bitch (3 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Flaxman’s Glanzberg See The Sun. 2 year old with correct head, medium sized ear and dark eye. Good bone, topline OK. Moved well. 2nd. Deradour’s Fortonpark Lilly May. 2 year old with pleasing head and dark eye. Bone OK. Topline straight. Moved OK.
Post Graduate Bitch (4 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Flanagan’s Collansues Mountain Angel. 4 year old with excellent head with lovely expression. Correct almond-shaped dark eye, medium size well set ears. Good topline, held well. Well-muscled, broad hindquarters. Plenty of bone. Moved out well. 2nd. Deradour’s Fortonpark Lilly May. As GB. 3rd. Baker’s Hypeak’s Coast Of Jima. 3 year old with dark eyes and correct topline. Enough bone for her good size. Moved OK.
Limit Bitch (4 entries, 2 absent)
1st. Flanagan’s Collansues Heart Of Gold. 6 year old with excellent head and lovely expression, dark almond-shaped eye, correct ear set and shape. Plenty of bone, broad chest, excellent straight topline, held well. Hindquarters correct and well-muscled. Moved well with good reach. RBB. 2nd. Vaychkus & Vaickus’ Blue Aira Bernenskie Ranczo JW ShCM (Imp PL). 2 year old with correct head with dark eye and correct ear set. Good bone, topline OK. Moved well.
Open Bitch (5 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Miles’ Save Dallas Kiss For Jaybiem. 3 year old with excellent head and lovely expression with dark almond-shaped eye and medium sized correctly set ears. Medium length to neck on strong shoulders, firm straight topline, well-muscled, broad hindquarters. Good bone. Moved with good reach. BB & RBiS.
Brace (2 entries, 1 absent)
1st. Mrs. O. Vaychkus & Mr. A. Vaickus. A very good matching pair who moved round the ring together in perfect harmony. Stood alone but very deserving of first place all the same.
judged by Mrs Sam Avery
This is an extra competition held during the lunch break, whilst the main show judge is not present, in order to give exhibitors an extra chance to show their dogs and inexperienced, aspiring judges the chance to judge a larger entry than they would get at local Open shows. The results of this do not affect the main show in any way as they are technically viewed as two separate events. You can come last in a class in the Special Members Award but still win your class and be Best In Show in the main show.
Puppy Award (2,0)
- Steve, Jeanette & Emily Green’s Matthias vom Durrbachler Wald at Waldershelf (Imp Nld)
- Steve, Jeanette & Emily Green’s Madell vom Durrbachler Wald at Waldershelf (Imp Nld)
Junior Award (4,0)
- Shandy Bridges’ Kernow Troubador
- Jackie Green & Rebecca King’s Joseph vom Durrbachler Wald at Arvella (Imp Nld)
- Virginia Deradour’s Meadowpark All Eyes on Me
- Mrs Marshall’s Matthew Puchate Perly of Bernannan (Imp Pol)
Post Graduate Award (5,0)
- Shirley King & Julie Bramble’s Shirdees Miss Congeniality JW
- Steve, Jeanette & Emily Green’s Bernerdalens Quest For Fame at Waldershelf (Imp Swe)
- Kim Flaxman’s Glanzberg See The Sun
- Virginia Deradour’s Fortonpark Lilly May
- Mrs Baker’s Hypeak’s Coast of Jima
Open Award (3,3)
Thank you to the Club for inviting me, and to Karen for stewarding during my first judging appointment.
All exhibits had lovely temperaments. Movement in general was a little disappointing with a lack of drive from behind which may have been due to the fact that in the confinement of a smaller ring and on mats these large dogs are not able to move to their full potential.
Two promising puppies , 8 month old litter brother and sister.
1st Green’s Matthias Vom Durrbachler Wald at Waldershelf (Imp Nld)
Large male of good size and stature for his age. Lovely profile overall. Slightly plain head which is developing nicely, narrow blaze. Dark eyes. Good bone. Sturdy straight front legs with compact feet. Broad chest. Nicely rounded rump. Good angulation front and rear. Kept his topline on the move.
2nd Green’s Madell Vom Durrbachler Wald at Waldershelf (Imp Nld)
Smaller than her brother. A sturdy bitch with a feminine head and very sweet expression. Has a stronger stop than her brother at present. Rich tan with a medium blaze. Good bone for size. Good angulation and body shape, just a little bum high. Moved OK.
1st Bridge’s Kernow Troubadour
Impressive workmanlike male of 15 months, maturing nicely. Tall dog with good proportions. Well boned. Good head with dark eyes and good ear set producing a kind expression. Good front angulation. Strong solid body and level topline. Broad thighs, well bent stifles and strong short hocks. Moved well.
2nd King and Green’s Joseph Vom Durrbachler Wald at Arvella (Imp Nld)
Medium sized typey 15 month male. Good head with a narrow blaze. Good ear set. Medium length neck. Straight forelegs with compact feet. Good rear angulation and overall shape. Rather out of coat. Gave his handler a hard time but eventually settled and was OK on the move.
3rd Deradour’s Meadowpark’s All Eyes On Me
Above medium size 14 month male. Good stop and ear set. Classic markings with a wide blaze. Straight forelegs with compact round feet. Good topline. Would prefer more bend of stifle. Carries his tail a bit high on the move which is made more noticeable by lack of coat making it appear short. However, the tail is the correct length.
1st King and Bramble’s Shirdees Miss Congeniality JW
Big strong bitch of 18 months. Beautifully presented. Feminine head with sweet expression. Well boned. Broad chest and good depth of brisket. Good angulation front and back. Broad thighs and strong hocks. Played with her lead on the move but that didn’t throw her off balance.
2nd Green’s Bernerdalens Quest for Fame at Waldershelf (Imp Swe)
Sturdy 21 months bitch, smaller than 1st . Good head with dark eyes, although slightly round. Rich tan and medium blaze. Good cross on her broad chest. Good angulation front and rear. Nice rounded rump. Moved well.
3rd Flaxman’s Glanzberg See The Sun
Large 2 year old bitch. Nice head with flat skull and medium blaze. Slightly round eye and slightly lower ear set. Broad chest and good depth of brisket. Good angulation front and back. Slightly long in body but has a level topline. Moved OK.
CLASS D – OPEN (3,3)