Club Championship Show 2023



Our Championship Show returned to the Kennel Club Building in Stoneleigh Park for the first time since the pandemic and what a perfect day it turned out to be. The weather was perfect for  the show and everyone was treated to a lovely day out with their dogs. Very experienced specialist Bernese judge, exhibitor and breeder, Aniko Istvanne Juhasz from Hungary had drawn a good entry of 100 dogs, (110 entries) and was afterwards keen to say she really enjoyed her day with the British dogs and was very complimentary about the whole relaxed show, the friendly people, the venue, the large ring and the quality dogs she experienced with us. Her obvious enjoyment and smile helped to create the relaxed and happy feel to the day.

The associated Limited Obedience Show also took place albeit with a disappointing entry and attendance for judge Kirsten Becque and as usual, we awarded a Best Obedience dog of the day and also the Championship Show Obedience is the last event for our annual Grand Prix Trophy for the Best Working Dog of the year at all three club events where working events are held, so we are usually able to award this annual trophy at our Championship Show.


Thank You

We must start with a big, big thank you to everyone who supported our show by entering their dog(s) and to those who helped us, in any way, to stage it. You all helped to make it such a lovely day out with our dogs.

A  massive thank you must also go to our sponsor Burns Natural Food for Pets, their generous support, in these difficult times is really, really appreciated.

We must also record thanks to Renata Kluge who donated the well received winners medals and to Steve Robbins, son of the late Lena Robbins, for the BIS rosette and sash. We must also express thanks to Belle Owen who sponsors the annual Working Dog of the year prize cards which are awarded after the Obedience at this event.

We should not forget our stewards who give up their day, or a large part of it, to facilitate the running of our show. Regulars for this event are main ring partners Michelle Smee and Wendy Coleman, later assisted by Debbie Buck. Thank you to Heather Head for taking notes all day for our overseas Judge and not forgetting Michelle Dobson in the Obedience ring and Sam Avery assisting husband Mark with the Junior Handling and Champions Parade during lunch time.


Sincere thanks to Ollie Jones who sold raffle tickets and undertook MANY much appreciated odd jobs for the Show Manager and Malcolm and Barbara Peter for help setting up and taking down. Also big thanks to Paul Gardner who fulfilled the sometimes tedious task of taking photos of all the 1st to 3rd winners in every class, well those who came to have them taken.

Finally we must of course thank our our judges:
Anikó Istvanne Juhasz – Main Show who also donated a lovely plate for BiS
Kirsten Becque – Obedience
Mark Avery – Junior Handling

Some Best In Show goodies including the donated medal and plate.



Congratulations to all the dogs and owners who were placed in their classes, the main winners are shown below and more reporting and photos from the show will appear in the coming days and weeks.

Best In Show Eamon & Winnie Gifney’s Ch/Ir Ch Sennen Understandably wicked at Seanri SN Ch CW 22 Cen W Ch


Res Best In Show and Best Opposite Sex (Best Dog) Carole Hartley Mair and Julie Baldwin’s Ch Tjofselinas Chirac (Imp Swe)


Best Veteran In Show Dave and Jackie Benson’s I Ch Bernervalley Summer Dream


Best Puppy In Show Mandy Austen’s Norburylou Karias Star

Best Minor Puppy In Show Penny Cooke and Jim Steven’s Tickbern Riding The Moon


Reserve Best Puppy In Show Elina Krjukova’s Elbrusbern Bold Legacy


Winner of Grand Prix Trophy for Best Overall Working Dog of 2023 at all club events

My Mia with Belle Owen

More info on Grand Prix Trophy for the Top Working Dog of the Year at our Club Events



Winner for the award for best Obedience Dog today (chosen by the Obedience judge from all the entries) was Sue Small’s Malindibeach Armani rose



Also held whilst the Judge was away at lunch, was the well supported Champions Parade featuring 18 Champions who paraded around the ring whilst their details were read out before all getting together for a photograph.


Best Males

Res Best In Show and Best Opposite Sex Dog CC, Carole Hartley Mair and Julie Baldwin’s Ch Tjofselinas Chirac (Imp Swe) Reserve CC Dave and Jackie Bensons I Ch Bernervalley Yogie Bear, Best Veteran Dog Julie Baldwin’s Ch Meadowpark First Class for Fortonpark and Best Puppy Dog (BPiS) Mandy Austen’s Norburylou Karias Star


Best Females

Best Bitch, Bitch CC & Best In Show Eamon & Winnie Gifney’s Ch/Ir Ch Sennen Understandably wicked at Seanri SN Ch CW 22 Cen W Ch, Reserve Best Bitch Di and Paige Spencer’s Ch Padiky Star Studded Skye JW, Best Veteran Bitch & Best Veteran In Show Dave and Jackie Benson’s I Ch Bernervalley Summer Dream and Best Puppy Bitch & Reserve Best Puppy In Show Elena Krjukova’s Elbrusbern Bold Legacy


Junior Handling

During the lunch break the Junior Handling Association contest, judged by Mark Avery was held and our winner of the 6 – 11 years and overall winner was 7 yr old Ella Baldwin




Presentations to stewards and judges




Main Show Judge’s Report

Thank you very much for inviting me to judge your Club Championship! I enjoyed every moment of my judging. The show was on a beautiful showground, organized perfectly, and the quality of the dogs was high. Exhibitors were very kind, and the atmosphere was fantastic. The ring assistants did a great job!

Class 1. Minor Puppy Dog: (3/0)

1st Cooke & Stevens. Tickbern Ridin the Moon.

6 months old. Good size. Lovely head. Dark brown eyes. Correct bite. Nice topline. Well angulated. Good movement. Lovely temperament BMPIS

2nd  Connelly. Tickbern Jackelberry.

6 months. Good size. Nice head. Correct bite. Nice topline. Good bone. Loose in front movement. Good temperament.

3rd  New. Etterbern Forever first.

8 months. Good size. Strong bone. Nice head. Well angulated. Correct bite. Nice topline. Movement, always jumping. Very good temperament.


Class 2. Puppy Dog: (3/0)

1st Austin. Norburylou Karias Star.

11 months. Strong male. Strong head. Correct bite. Loose lips. Good chest. Strong bone. Well angulated. Topline – little bit long in loin, and in movement a little bit loose. Good temperament. BPIS

2nd  Jefferson. Elbrusbern Amadeus.

9 months. Good size. Narrow head. Correct bite. Correct topline. Chest unfinished. Middle, strong bone. Angulation could be better. Movement – front legs wide and loose. Good temperament.

3rd Jones.  Kernow Bittersweet Love.

10 months. Good size and head. Correct bite. Nice topline. Bit narrow chest. Middle, strong bone. Correct angulation. Not confident.


Class 3. Junior Dog: (3/1)

1st Baldwin. Fortonpark Tonyone.

15 months. Middle size male. Very well proportioned. Nice head. Correct bite. Very nice topline. Well angulated. Nice movement. Correct tail. Lovely temperament.

2nd Kluge. Hugo Boss Mocne Kurpianki at Morganmegs.

17 months. Middle, strong male. Very nice head. Correct bite. Strong bone. Good chest. Correct tail. Movement – dip in topline. Lovely temperament.


Class 4. Yearling Dog: (5/0)

1st Anufrowicz. HR CH Thunder Taro Bohemijos Zibute.

18 months. Middle sized proportioned male. Very nice head. Correct bite. Very nice topline. Well angulated. Nice mover. Correct tail carriage. Lovely temperament.

2nd Reynolds. Etterbern Bolt out the Blue.

22 months. Middle size male. Well proportioned. Good head. Correct bite. Good chest. Middle, strong bone. Well angulated. Correct tail. Nice topline. Movement – little out at elbows. Lovely temperament.

3rd Bridges. Krimm Bernenska Sflora at Kernow.

19 months. Middle sized, strong male. Very nice head. Correct bite. Well angulated. Correct topline. Nice movement. Correct tail carriage. Lovely temperament.

Res  Krjukova. Finite Melee Dulcimer (Imp Pol)

VHC Giffney. Prince Riomadea Grande



Class 5. Novice Dog: (3/1)

1st Stelmach & Davis. Chippis Diamond Dude.

3 years. Good size male. Little bit narrow head. Correct bite. Nice topline. Infront and back is a bit narrow. Loose pasterns. Correct tail carriage. Lovely temperament.

2nd Stelmach & Davis. Chippis Diamond Dazzle.

3 years. Good size. Strong head. Loose lips. Correct bite. Strong bone. In front and in stand, too narrow. Movement loose. Turns out feet in front.


Class 6. Post Graduate Dog: (4/0)

1st Perks. Tremywyddfa Hot Gossip.

2 years. Middle size male. Well proportioned. Nice head. Nice topline. Well angulated. Good movement. Just correct tail carriage. Lovely temperament..

2nd Bramble. Nelstephbern Me and My Boy with Shirdees.

20 months. Small sized male, but well proportioned. Nice head. Correct movement. Correct tail carriage. Lovely temperament.

3rd Johnson. Bern Haus On Oka Hero for Gorsebern.

Almost 3 years. Strong male. Well proportioned. Correct angulation. Nice topline. Strong bones. Nice movement. Very high tail carriage. Lovely temperament.

Res Stelmach & Davis. Chippis Diamond Dude


Class 7. Mid Limit Dog: ( 1/0)

1st Hughes. Waldershelf Cubby Ad Astra.

3 years. Very well proportioned. Nice head. Nice chest. Strong bone. Very well angulated. Correct movement. Nice topline. Very high tail carriage. Very nice coat. Lovely temperament.


Class 8. Limit Dog: ( 6/1)

1st O’Toole. Fortonpark Talk of the Town.

3 years Middle size, strong male. Strong head. Very good front. Strong bone. Well angulated. Nice movement. Correct tail carriage. Lovely temperament.


2nd Wakeland Kernow Yester Years at Bramikdel.

3 years. Middle size male. Well proportioned. Nice Head. Correct front. Well angulated. Nice topline. Good movement. Lovely temperament.


3rd King Green & Dedman. Parwizz Vom Durrbachler Wald at Arvella.

4 years. Middle size male. Middle strong. Very nice head. Correct bite. Very well proportioned. Correct in stand. Good movement with high tail carriage. Lovely temperament.

Res Manix. Waldershelf Fame N’Fortune

VHC Cook & Stevens. Tickbern Yardhand


Class 9. Open Dog: (8/1)

1st Benson. Ir. Ch. Semus De Zandvijver at Bernervalley.

4 years. Middle size. Middle strong. Well proportioned. Nice head. Correct bite. Correct movement. Nice topline. Correct tail carriage. Very well angulated. Lovely temperament.

2nd Miles . Jaybiem Only Making Plans.

3 years. Middle size, strong male. Very nice head. Correct proportions. Well angulated. Nice movement. Correct tail carriage. Lovely temperament.


3rd Murphy Rus.Ch./Blr Ch/Rus.Gr.Ch/Ir Ch. Marouissa Wish You were Here at Kinelarty.

5 years. Middle strong. Middle size. Nice head. Correct in stand. Middle, strong bone. Correct topline. Well angulated. Nice movement. Lovely temperament.

Res Manix. Waldershelf Fame N’Fortune

VHC Atherton. Ch Valentinn vom Durrbachler Wald

HC Cotton. Ch Shirdees Greatest Showman


Class 10. Champion Dog: (6/0)

1st Hartley Mair & Baldwin. Ch, Tjoselinas Chirac

4 years. Middle size male. Very nice head. Correct proportions. Strong bone. Very well angulated. Nice mover. Good temperament.   CC & RBIS

2nd Benson. Ir,Ch. Bernervalley Yogie Bear.

6 years. Strong male. Very well proportioned. Strong head. Correct in stand. Strong bone. Well angulated. Very nice topline. Good movement. Lovely temperament.   Res. CC

3rd Cotton. Ch. Kernow Billy No Mates at Jukesbern.

5 years. Middle size male. Nice head. Correct in stand. Middle, strong bone. Well angulated. Nice topline. Very nice coat. Lovely temperament.

Res Bridges. Ch Kernow Troublue

VHC Giffney. Ir Ch Sennen Cruise Control (must( CJW18 Jun Ch Can W

HC Miles. Ch Jaybiem Modus Operandi JW



Class 11.  Veteran Dog (4/2)

1st Baldwin. Ch.Meadowpark First Class for Fortonpark.

8 years. Middle size. In very nice condition. Beautiful head. Correct bite. Strong bone. Good chest. Correct in stand. Very nice movement with correct tail carriage. Lovely temperament.


2nd Fairclough. Monalou Spirit of Discovery Sh.CM.

8 ½ years. Middle size male. Very well proportioned. Very nice topline. In good  condition for his age. Good movement. Very nice coat. Lovely temperament.


Class 12. Good Citizen Dog. ( 3/0)

1st Austin. Kernow Blue Mist.

3 years. Middle size male. Narrow head. Correct proportions. Middle strong bone. Correct angulations. Nice topline. Good movement. Correct tail carriage. Lovely temperament.

2nd Stelmach & Davis. Chippis Diamond Dazzle.

(2nd Novice)

3rd Stelmach & Davis. Chippis Diamond Dude.

(3rd Novice)


Class  13. Minor Puppy Bitch: (2/2)

None Present


Class 14 Puppy Bitch (5/3)

1st Krjukova. Elbrusbern Bold Legacy.

9 months. Correct proportions. Feminine head. Correct bite. Correct in stand. Well angulated. Good movement.  RBPIS

2nd Bridges. Kernow Bittersweet Ride.

10 months. Good size, but narrow in head. Correct proportions. Middle strong bone. Correct angulated. Good movement. Lovely temperament.


Class 15 Junior Bitch ( 6/2)

1st Baldwin. Fortonpark Valentallina.

1 year old. Very harmonious. Lovely head. Correct bite. Good chest. Correct in stand. Very well angulated. Nice mover. Correct tail carriage. Little fat.

2nd Bridges. Kernow Florin.

17 months. Middle size female. Good proportions. Lovely head. Correct bite. Good bone. Well angulated. Good temperament.

3rd Blythe. Rodiveco Dulce Mijenta avec Bernbienaime.

15 months. Good size. Nice head. Correct bite. Correct topline. Middle strong bone. Well proportions. Chest not finished. Good movement. Out of coat.

Res Watson. Stepdashar Magical Wish


Class 16. Yearling Bitch ( 5/1)

1st Sutton & Davenport-Willis. Nelstephbern Dior by Design.

20 months. Middle size female. Well proportioned. Nice head. Very good fore-chest. Middle, strong bone. Correct angulation. Nice topline. Movement could be more correct.

2nd King, Green & Dedman. Hundii Vom Durrbachler Wald at Arvella.

20 months. Middle size female. Well proportions. Nice head. Very good fore -chest. Middle strong bone. Very well angulated. Correct topline. Good movement, with correct tail carriage, and lovely temperament.

3rd Rossall. Stormberne Go Classical.

Good bone. Very well proportioned. Good type of head. Good chest. Middle strong bone. Good movement, with correct tail carriage, and lovely temperament.

Res Akehurst. Velvet van’t Pachtof (Imp Bel) JW


Class 17. Novice Bitch ( 5/1)

1st Small. Malindibeach Armani Rose.

3 years. Little under middle size. Good proportions. Nice head. Correct bite. Good chest. Middle strong bone. Well angulated. Front legs – not absolutely correct, but nice movement. Lovely temperament.


2nd Watson. Stepdasher Spring Blossom.

3 years. Middle size, Feminine head. Correct bite. Middle strong bone. Good angulation. Just nearly correct movement – little unlevel. Lovely temperament.


3rd Peter. Berntreville Westward.

4 years. Middle size female. Feminine head. Rather round eyes. Correct bite. Good bone. Chest could be wider. Good angulation. Good movement. Lovely temperament.

Res Stelmach & Davis. Chippis Diamond Diva


Class 18 Post Graduate Bitch (4/1)

1st King, Green & Dedman. Hastaa Vom Durrbachler Wald at Arvella.

20 months. Middle size. Nice head. Correct bite. Nice topline. Correct in stand. Nice movement. Lovely temperament.

2nd Small. Malindibeach Boodles of Fun.

4 years. Middle size. Little bit slight stop. Correct bite. Nice topline. Middle strong bone. Well angulated. Good movement, and correct tail carriage. Lovely temperament

3rd Cooke & Stevens. Tickbern Zonly One of Me.

18 months. Middle size female. Nice type of head. Back set ears. Chest needs to finish. Middle strong bone. Well angulated. Nice mover. Correct tail and topline. Lovely temperament.


Class 19 Mid Limit Bitch. (3/0)

1st Worrall. Fortonpark Sweet Dreams at Oakbern.

3 years. Middle size, strong female. Nice head. Correct bite. Good chest. Good bone. Correct angulation. Good movement and nice topline. Correct tail carriage. Lovely temperament.

2nd Baldwin. Tjofselinas I Vana Tallin.

6 years. Middle size, strong female. Nice head. Strong bone. Very well angulated. Nice topline. Good movement. Sometimes high tail carriage. Lovely temperament, Well handled.

3rd Watson. Stepdasher Winters Wish.

6 years. Strong female. Good type of head. Good chest. Strong bone. In stand a little narrow in front. Very well angulated. Dip in topline, when moving. Lovely temperament.


Class 20 Limit Bitch. (3/0)

1st Griffiths, Orme & Miles. Jaybiem Iris I was with Utwo.

3 years. Middle size, strong female. Nice head. Correct bite. Good chest. Good bone. Nice topline. Correct angulation. Good movement. Correct tail carriage. Lovely temperament.


2nd Wilson. Monalou Voulez Vous at Blumental.

2 years. Middle size female.  Very nice head. Very well proportioned. Good bone. Correct in stand. Nice angulation and topline. Not absolutely confident in the ring.

3rd Cooke & Stevens. Tickbern Yes I can Yodel.

3 years. Middle size female. Good type of head. Back set ears. Good chest. Strong bone. Nice topline. Well angulated. Nice movement with correct tail. Lovely temperament.

Res Small. Malindibeach Armani Rose


Class 21 Open Bitch (5/1)

1st Baldwin. Ch.Fortonpark Chase that Dream.

3 years. Middle strong female. Very nice head. Correct bite. Good chest. Middle strong bone. Correct topline. Nice movement. Correct tail carriage. Very well angulated. Not in full coat. Lovely temperament.

2nd Green, Green & English. Waldershelf Gin and Tonic.

2 years. Strong female. Feminine head. Correct bite. Very good fore-chest. Strong bone. Well angulated. Very good movement. Lovely temperament.

3rd Krjukova. Kaimon Gerheil Lizzy.

3 years. Middle size strength. Nice head. Correct bite. Middle strong bone. Well angulated. Nice topline. Bit high tail carriage. Lovely temperament.

Res Miles. Ch Jaybiem Phoebe The One


Class 22 Champion Bitch (7/2)

1st Giffney. Ch.Ir.Ch. Sennen Understandably Wicked at Seanri.

3 ½ years. Middle size. Strong, well-balanced female. Beautiful head. Correct in stand and movement. Nice topline. Correct tail carriage. Lovely temperament.  CC & BIS

2nd Spencer. Ch. Padiky Starr Studded Skye JW

6 years. Very well balanced and strong female. Nice head. Strong bone. Good chest. Needs more fore-chest. Good angulated. Nice topline. Nice movement with correct tail carriage. Lovely temperamentRes CC

3rd Baldwin. Ch. Fortonpark Look Whos Talkin.

3 years. Strong female. Nice head. Little back set ears. Good chest. Strong bone. Correct angulated. Nice movement. In movement a little bit loose topline and elbows. Nice coat. Lovely temperament

Res Sutton & Davenport-Willis Ch Nelstephbern Dior Foreva

VHC Weston. Ch Bernfawr Jonquill


Class 23 Veteran Bitch ( 6/0)

1st Benson. Ir. Ch. Bernervalley Summer Dream

7 ½ years. Middle size, strong female. Well proportioned. Very nice angulated. Moved very well with correct tail carriage. Lovely temperament. BVIS



2nd Atherton. Arvella Penny Lane.

7 years. Strong, middle-sized female. Very nice head. Nice topline. Good chest. Strong bone. Well angulated. Nice movement. Correct tail carriage. Lovely temperament

3rd Harris. Meadowpark’s Dancin’ on my own.

7 years. Middle size, strong female. Nice head. Correct topline. Very good chest. Strong bone. Very well angulated. Nice movement and tail carriage. Lovely temperament.

Res Akehurst & Bridges. Ch Kernow All My Loving JW

VHC King. Ecalpharas Moonshine Over LEapingwell

HC Watson. Stepdashar Sommer Girl


Class 24. Good Citizen Bitch. ( 5/0)

1st Risborough. Malindibeach Serenade at Moonbach.

4 years. Middle size. Middle strong. Feminine head. Good chest. Middle strong bone. Very well angulated. Nice topline. Correct movement. Correct coat. Lovely temperament.

2nd Akehurst. Velvet Van’t Pachthof  JW

20 months. Middle strong female. Feminine head. Good chest. Middle strong bone. Nice topline. Correct movement. Lovely temperament.

3rd Small. Malindibeach Boodles of Fun. (2nd Post Graduate Bitch)

Res Sokel. Kernow Blue Lagoon

VHC Stelmach & Davis Chippis Diamond Diva





Introductory Dog or Bitch

1st Yvonne Fison-Bates’ Oprah RioMadea Grande (Imp HRV)


Pre-Beginners Dog or Bitch &

Beginners Dog or Bitch

1st in both classes My Mia with Belle Owen



Novice Dog or Bitch



1st Malindibeach Boodles of Fun with Sue Small

2nd My Mia with Belle Owen

3rd  Malindibeach Armani Rose with Sue Small


If any photos are incorrectly placed and labelled please email explaining the issue to 


More info on Grand Prix Trophy for the Top Working Dog of the Year at our Club Events



