BMD Death Survey – Reminder to Everyone

Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please help

OK, it is not a heading full of Christmas cheer but during the festive season many people find themselves reflecting on their year and we usually remind Bernese owners to please consider the ongoing BMD Death Survey and please report any Bernese Deaths you have had had to endure this past year, if you haven’t done so already. Actually, probably 80-90% of our reports seem to come in response to this late year appeal so you’ll understand we need to make it. Death is the final certainty of life and much as we’d like we cannot avoid it but the information we can get from our Death Survey is really important. Yes ,of course it is a sad occurrence to reflect on and we understand it is difficult for some people to recall these memories, but some people even find a little solace in the fact they are playing their part in helping the breed’s health awareness.


Individual details will never be published and every report plays a part in painting a truer picture of the health of our breed. It cannot be emphasised too often that all Bernese deaths are of interest whether you have a definite cause or not, whether you feel it was due to ‘old age’, young or old, working dog, show dog, breeding dog or purely a beloved family member as they all surely are. We even welcome historic reports from previous years which help to show changes and put things in context.


We can only ask for your help and say  ‘please’ as our information and the validity of it is entirely down to the response of owners, so please support the survey. It only costs a few minutes of your time and if you are not sure of some details most vets are happy to help over the phone with dates for example. You don’t have to complete every section if you can’t but obviously the more you can do the better.


There is an update in the recent club magazine but by using this link you can easily find out more about the Death Survey and contribute your departed Bernese’s details online 


Thank you very, very much.