Sadly this event, due to be on 19th of April has now had to be cancelled due to the Coronavirus situation. It is unlikely we will be able to reschedule this so we hope to see everyone again in 2021. Details of refunds Northern/Spring Open Show Grenoside Community...

The AGM is the formal chance for members to ask the committee about the running of the club or suggest changes to club rules or practices as dictated in the Code fo Ethics or Constitution. There is a clearly defined process for this starting with...

The Bernese spectacular will take place as normal on Sunday May 10th at the usual venue of Priors Marston Sports Club, Byfield Road, Priors Marston, Warwickshire CV47 7RP. All the usual attractions will be there for everyone to enjoy, either by taking part or just watching...

This year's Swiss Party has unfortunately had to be CANCELLED due to the Coronavirus situation. We hope to reschedule this next year so click on the link to this year's details to see what you can expect next year but please do not respond to...

This show was held on Saturday 7th December 2019 at the now regular venue of the Old Mill Hall, School Lane, Grove, Wantage, Oxon OX12 7LB. Our Main Show judge was Debbie Stansbury and during lunch time the Special Members Awards was be judged by...

Sunday Times Article - Statement by the BMDC of GB Conscious of comment and criticism of the GB Club’s alleged involvement in the article in today’s (Sunday 29th September) Sunday Times about the ABS Scheme and the hips and elbows of the Bernese Mountain Dog, the...

Tuesday December 10th 2019 The club is deeply saddened today to hear of the sudden death of long standing member Lucinda Hughes. Lucinda will be known to many members, especially those regularly attending the Garden Party where Lucinda had given several Obedience based demonstrations to help...

2019 Championship Show & Limited Obedience Show Kennel Club building within Stoneleigh Business Park Saturday 21st September. The weather was extremely kind to us for the Club’s 2019 Championship show at our usual venue of the Kennel Club Building, Stoneleigh kindly sponsored by Royal Canin who donate food...

The Autumn Garden Party was held on Sunday September 1st with all the usual things in all the usual places but with a few new tweaks here and there and all at the usual venue of Priors Marston Sports Club near Southam near Daventry with the...

The Club is pleased to announce that we are able to offer reduced cost blood sampling for the SH test at the 2019 Championship Show at Stoneleigh on September 21st. Most members will be aware that the club’s Code of Ethics recommends that breeding stock is...