Forms & Documents

PDF Documents to Download & Print

(for submission in the traditional way or completed and scanned for electronic submission)



All paid up members are eligible to attend the club’s AGM and propose items for the agenda. The preliminary notice advises the process and deadlines that use be followed.

Preliminary notice 2024 AGM


Annual Trophies presented at the AGM


Please note there is no longer any need to apply for any of the AGM trophies and they will ALL be calculated and announced at the AGM by the committee. The Trophies will be awarded at the end of the AGM but will simply be given out to the winners at the earliest reasonable time and place if the winner, (or technically the winner’s owner!), is unable to attend the AGM in person.




Any club member of at least three years standing can be proposed for committee by another club member using this form. Committee members can only be appointed by the club’s AGM but they can be co-opted on a temporary basis by the committee and operate as a full committee member pending full ratification at the next AGM. As well as obtaining a proposer the candidate must complete the Questionnaire and it is recommended, but not essential, that anyone standing for committee talks to the Secretary or any existing committee member for information first.


Committee Candidate Questionnaire

Committee Member Proposal Form




The submission form for advertisements to be included in the next handbook will be available here when finalised.




Judging Application Form (All current Lists)

JEP Judges List Application Form

 The judges lists are renewed at the start of each year and successful applicants may not appear on the list here until the annual update is posted. From early 2022 applicants are still welcome but should be aware that the whole judges education and approval system is in the process of change, for example the lists will be referred to as Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4  with different criteria to qualify for each. This process is currently in a transitional stage and further information can be gained from the breed BEC or the KC themselves. If you are a new judge you must complete the JEP Judges List form and must be accredited as level 1 before being eligible to undertake any judging appointment.  You should not accept any appointment unless you have this accreditation.  See the club Judges List page for more information.





NEW Membership Information Pack








Garden Party – Rescue & Golden Oldies Parade

This is a form to be brought to the ring if participating in the Veteran’s or Rescue parades at the Garden Party where the information you give about your dog will be read out to the appreciative crowd. We would encourage all Rescue dogs or Veteran Dogs to join in and be recognised and have their moment of recognition in the spotlight. The forms should also be available on the day but much easier to print off and complete in advance with more time to think about the information you are giving to be read out live about your lovely dog to the audience. You will also have a more relaxing time at the event with on less thing to do.


Champion Plate Application

The club continues to offer a commemorative plate to all UK Bernese Champions belonging to club members at the time of the award and once the KC has confirmed the title. Apply to the secretary using this form within 12 months of the title being earned.



Please go to the Death Survey section of this web site for the latest version of the form or, more easily, submit details to the survey on line.





Please go to the Veterans section of this web site for the latest application procedure and apply on line or download a hard copy form