If you wish to discuss any aspect of the breed, the club, club events or potential ownership of a Bernese, please use one of the following contacts.
Email general queries to enquiries@bernese.co.uk from where they will be passed to the most appropriate person for reply and/or raising at general committee and the best placed person will reply.
Connect with us on Social Media: Instagram, Facebook Page, Club Members Facebook Group
If you are enquiring about Bernese puppies please include your full name and area and someone will reply to your email. Please note that the club does not promote or recommend individual breeders or their puppies and takes no responsibility or make any claim of quality or health for any dogs owned or produced by its members. Enquirers should always note that a breeder’s club membership should not be taken as any guarantee of quality of puppy and should read this web site’s section for puppy enquirers
Patron: Maurice Johnson
President & Chair: Steve Green – president@bernese.co.uk
General Enquiries: – enquiries@bernese.co.uk
Hon. Secretary: Karen Bird – secretary@bernese.co.uk
The Cow Byre
Broad Town
Tel: 07778 384507
Hon. Treasurer: Mark Avery – treasurer@bernese.co.uk
Membership Secretary: Lianne Marsden – membership@bernese.co.uk
Rescue & ReHoming CoOrdinator: Fiona Hallam – rescue@bernese.co.uk
Rescue & Rehoming Assistant: Jeanette Green – tbc
or use the Dedicated Rescue Phone Number: 07916 306156
See Rescue page for more details
Breed Health CoOrdinator: Steve Green – health@bernese.co.uk. Tel: 0114 2882930
(also the KC BMD Breed Health CoOrdinator (BHC), KC BMD Large and Giant Breeds Working Group Representative & UK Bernese International Working Group (BIWG) Representative)
Bernese Health Initiative: Steve Green / Donna Hughes / Emily English – bhi@bernese.co.uk
Handbook 2025: under review
Magazine: Lianne Marsden – magazine@bernese.co.uk
Social Media: Donna Hughes – media@bernese.co.uk
Website: Steve Green – web@bernese.co.uk
Berner Shop: Michelle Copeland – shop@bernese.co.uk
Champions Book – lianne.marsden@bernese.co.uk
For other queries about specific events or activities the following are the best people to talk to using the contact details given on this page.
AGM: Karen Bird –secretary@bernese.co.uk
Spring Garden Party: Lianne Marsden – lianne.marsden@bernese.co.uk
Autumn Garden Party: Lianne Marsden –lianne.marsden@bernese.co.uk
Championship Show: Karen Bird –secretary@bernese.co.uk
Open Shows: Karen Bird – secretary@bernese.co.uk
Breed Education CoOrdinator (BEC) & JEP Judges Lists: Emily English – education@bernese.co.uk
Judges Lists (until KC confirm closure of old JDP system): Karen Bird – secretary@bernese.co.uk
Debbie Buck
Julie Ann Wright
(plus 3 vacancies)
General Breed Contact – The breed no longer has a Breed Council so any general breed correspondence should be addressed to individual clubs, in our case to Karen Bird as our Secretary or any of the above named positions/people if more appropriate.
As the largest and oldest UK club we are often the first point of contact within the breed for external enquiries.
Several regularly requested application forms, lists and other documents are available in PDF format to download and print from the FORMS & DOCUMENTS webpage. Paperwork relevant to particular events or activities should also be available from the pages or news items covering those activities.
There are currently 5 vacancies on our committee reflecting that the club has been short of committee for many years. In the last few decades we have never had more than 11 of the 15 officer and committee places occupied and once went down to just 7 out of 15 places occupied. This can put great strain on those few who are available to do the essential roles as, contrary to what a few people seem to think, we are not a business with paid employees we are all volunteers with our own lives of families, jobs, dogs, responsibilities pressures and strains which can make it very difficult at times to commit to club responsibilities or fully deliver activities in the ideal way we’d like to.
Anyone who is interested in helping the club at specific events or in particular activities or in supporting the committee generally, is welcome to talk to any committee member about this, if you don’t know anyone personally the President and Secretary are particularly happy to elaborate on the commitment needed. In recent years it is getting harder to run some of our more demanding events and we are currently being forced to review how to organise and manage the events we can offer. The committee is also reviewing the way it organises itself so it may be possible to be on a sub committee and just help in one area of interest, rather than commit to everything covered by the general committee.
If you have any interest in helping out the club and feel you have a competency to offer and can work with other people, please talk to the Secretary or the President or the Chair or any committee or Officer you feel happier to talk to. Such a chat would not bit a commitment but just a chance for you to find out more about what might be involved for you to get involved and help.
Additionally if you have any skill or capability, facility, equipment or area of expertise the club could utilise and you are happy to help us out please get in touch.