Then, for those whose Bernese HAVE experienced Cruciate Ligament issues, please continue through the remaining sections giving as much information as possible for each affected dog individually. Each dog that has had a cruciate issue requires a separate section 2 completing. Be as precise as you can but do not worry if exact details are difficult to remember or obtain, approximate ages or dates will suffice for example. Similarly if you do not know clinical details just give what information you can but sometimes a quick and easy call to your vet can yield dates or information as it is simple for most vets to access your dog’s records.
There are also chances to contribute any thoughts you may have from your experience of cruciate problems. This is to gather opinions from within the breed and see if any consistencies emerge.
More detailed information about the survey and the collection of this data can be found below, beneath the survey itself, including a GDPR statement and more guidance and background to the survey.
PLEASE NOTE Closing date for submissions is 31st January 2022
Download the Survey Form to print and complete in hard copy
(to send by post or scan and email)
Thank you – your support really is appreciated.
BMD Cruciate Survey GDPR Statement
Any owner or breeder name and basic contact details volunteered by contributors to this survey will be stored electronically on a spreadsheet on a password protected personal computer for the purposes and duration of the survey and any subsequent analysis period, after which they will be deleted. Any data provided in written/paper format will be added to the electronic record then the paper forms will be destroyed responsibly.
Data will only be directly accessed by the BHI sub committee members for the purposes of summary and analysis. All BHI sub committee members have signed a confidentiality agreement lodged with the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Great Britain.
Whilst dog details may eventually be passed on to any ‘professional’ or ‘specialist’ third party appropriate to progress the investigation, e.g. a Veterinary University researcher or canine geneticist, specific individual owner’s or breeder’s details will never be passed to any third party in any form and these details will never be published in any identifiable way unless further specific individual permissions were obtained.
Summary reviews may be published within breed literature, e.g. the breed club magazine, but such reports will never include any individual details of any dogs, breeders or owners. It may be helpful to contact contributors for further information, if such research is appropriate, but any such extra contribution will be entirely voluntary and subject to these same conditions.
Any individual owner or dog details can be removed from this survey at any time by emailing to
PLEASE NOTE: By contributing to this survey owners and breeders will be deemed to have read, understood and consented to these terms.